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Бесплатный VPN, без логов

  1. Тема Оффлайн
    Получаем бесплатный VPN, способ на английском, но понятен:
    Бесплатный VPN, без логов

    Free VPN - No Logs - No Bandwidth Limits - No Restrictions - Includes port forwarding [Tutorial]
    Well the title says it all, Free VPN. If you have just started hacking, you would of been recommended to get a VPN and well obviously some of the VPN on the market are either expensive or keep logs. If you are Interesting in getting a free VPN I would recommend reading my tutorial below.

    Step 1 - Go to http://www.vpnbook.com/#home
    Step 2 - Click on "accounts free" (as shown below)
    Бесплатный VPN, без логов

    Step 3 - Click on "UDP" port "53" ( http://www.vpnbook.com/free-openvpn-accoun...nVPN-UDP-53.zip ) after you have downloaded the .zip, downloaded the "OpenVPN client" ( http://swupdate.openvpn.org/community/re.....re...stall.exe) and install it.
    Бесплатный VPN, без логов

    Step 4 - Now regarding the .zip you show extract the two files onto your desktop and then drag and drop the two files to C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenVPN\config
    Бесплатный VPN, без логов

    Step 5 - Now open the OpenVPN.exe and you should see a screen like below;
    Бесплатный VPN, без логов

    Step 6 - Now go back to http://www.vpnbook.com/#pricing and copy the username and password.
    Бесплатный VPN, без логов

    Step 7 - Finished. Thanks Hope you all Enjoyed it! and paste them In the openVPN
    Бесплатный VPN, без логов
    21 февраля 2013 - 14:18 / #1

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